Our amazing middle school teachers are excited to offer standing weekly support hours. This is an opportunity for our middle school students to:
We are thankful to offer this safe, welcoming environment to our students. We ask that students:
- Request extra support from the support teacher.
- Work on assignments or projects for any class.
- Study for upcoming assessments for any class.
- Work on devotionals or Bible studies.
We are thankful to offer this safe, welcoming environment to our students. We ask that students:
- Support a productive support time and study environment for all students. If students are disruptive, they will be asked to leave the support session.
- Be picked up or transfer to athletics or extended care at 3:45.
2024-2025 middle school student support schedule
Student support hours are offered on full school days unless otherwise noted:
- Mrs. Baughn, Mondays 3-3:45 pm (English, Room A-206)
- Ms. Michiels, Mondays 3-3:45 pm (Bible, Room A-211/MS Lunchroom)
- No support hours on: 9/30, 10/28, 11/18, 1/27, 2/24, 3/31, 4/28, 5/19
- Mrs. Groom, Tuesdays 3-3:45 pm (Math, Portable 2)
- Ms. Welch, Tuesdays starting November 5th, 3-3:45pm (PE, Chapel by the cafe/gym)
- By appointment only until November. Please email to schedule.
- No support hours on: 10/1, 11/5, 12/3, 1/7, 2/4, 3/4, 4/8, 5/6
- Mrs. Fallon, Wednesdays 3-3:45 pm (Science, Portable 4)
- Miss Evans, Thursdays 3-3:45 pm (History, Portable 1)
Support Hour Schedule Exceptions
HCA Calendar
HCA School Board: Community Connections
HCA Athletics Calendar
Chapel Calendar
Preschool Calendar
Elementary Calendar
Middle School Calendar
High School Calendar
NJHS Calendar
Middle School Student Support Hour Exceptions